Sunday, March 28, 2010

Black and White

I believe that Black and White definitely pays tribute to real-life experiences. Loyalty to your friends, whether or not to tell on your friends or not if they do something wrong, racism are all problems that are still faced by people, including adolescents today. In my opinion, this is a real-life experience that anyone could face. Whether or not to tell on your best friend or let him walk away free while you take the punishment is a legitimate problem that most teens face at some point in their lifetime. Although it may not be in such a serious situation, it is definitely realistic. Also, racism is absolutely still prevalent. In Black and White, it is the main reason that most of the kids believe Marcus is being charged. Racism is still all around us and children deal with it all the time depending on what area they go to school in. I think the problems faced by the characters in thie book are accurately portrayed, no matter that they are exaggerated a small amount due to the boys' situation. Tey are legitimate problems and this book pays tribute to them by sharing how the characters deal with them

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thompson article - Fiction

This article was very confusing but in a nutshell it basically looked at differences between fiction made primarilly for children and fiction made for adults. It looked at the volume of certain words and phrases within either type of fiction and compared the two findings. In adult fiction, there were often words which were used more often due to he fact that children have a smaller vocab and often cannot understand some words or the literal meanings behind some words or phrases. Adults, on the other hand, are able to depict different meanings for words and can understand certain words or phrases better than children. This study just looked at the number of words and phrases within childrens and adult fiction and the reasons for these differences, which was ability to understand and differentiate literal versus figurative meanings and various definitions of the same words